A Professional Website Design Company

Advanced Manufacturing Center – In-rack sprinkler

Project Name
Advanced Manufacturing Center – In-rack sprinkler
Hong Kong Science Park
Year of Award
Description of Work
FS Design Consultancy Service
In 2020, InnoTec was awarded a contract to design an in-rack sprinkler system for Advanced Manufacturing Center (AMC). Design for In-rack sprinklers is one of the most, if not the most, complex chapters of LPC Sprinkler Rules that needs very high standard fire engineering technical capabilities to ensure deliverables. Our engineering team designed and managed over 90% of the fire protection solutions for in-rack sprinkler systems for similar facilities in Hong Kong. In 2017, InnoTec was appointed by customer to conduct full-scale fire tests in UK to validate the engineering approach designs for in-rack sprinkler systems. In addition to the design for in-rack sprinkler, InnoTec was also appointed to supply & install P&D system at AMC.