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The Torque of Scheme A

Roger Ng, Associate Professor of THEi’s Building Services Engineering (BSE) Program introduced the 《工。書。教。學》and BSE Programs at yesterday’s dinner event.
James Chung, chairman of InnoTec’s Scheme A Program together with four GEs shared their feedbacks on HKIE’s Scheme A Program, as well as of being an InnoTecan (科基人) with 21 fire engineering leaders.
Sherry Yiu, Lecture of THEi’s BSE degree program was particularly interested in knowing the *what changed the moment of inertia* to accelerate the growth of InnoTec’s Scheme A program.
KM Lock, External Engineering Supervisor of InnoTec’s Scheme A Program remarked that - Passion, Caring and Commitment are key success factors.

Find out more about HKIE Scheme A Program here: https://www.hkie.org.hk/en/quali/section/210/